Beth Person

Sample Law Student Report Chapters

Organization Demo

Introduction 00

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NOTE: The below is a sampling of report chapters that are delivered to students in smaller bit size reports throughout their time as law students.

For example:

  1. We recommend different report chapters to first-year law students (1L) than we do for third-year law students (3L).
  2. We also have specific reports designed to help students through specific challenge areas that can either be delivered by default or held by the counseling team until relevant.
  3. There are also reports designed specifically for other departments at the law school like Student Affairs, Academic Achievement, Resident Life, and Mentoring programs.

By breaking all the content into smaller, appropriate-sized reports, we can make sure to not overwhelm students. Each report can then more easily have a self-directed component to help students process and understand the material. Reports can be paced in their delivery, making sure to keep students engaged through their time at the law school with "just in time" information. We want to make it easy for the counseling team to decide when and how students get reports.

01 Who Am I?

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A quick snapshot view into who a person is.

  • I am Independent
  • I am Theoretical
  • I am Logical
  • I am Curious

9 Things I Am Good At

I am good at...

  1. ...playing with ideas in my head
  2. ...thinking about possible solutions from every angle
  3. ...working independently
  4. ...weighing up the pros and cons
  5. ...respecting others' need for privacy
  6. ...thinking “outside the square”
  7. ...keeping calm in a crisis
  8. ...challenging myself
  9. ...analyzing and theorizing

6 Things That May Cause Me To Get Upset

I may get upset when...

  1. ...I'm being hurried for a solution
  2. confidence is under-valued
  3. ...nothing is interesting
  4. ...I’m forced into social situations that are uninteresting or too long
  5. ...people are sweating the small stuff
  6. ...I have to listen to trivial detail

The Top 7 Things I May Need Help With

I may need help with...

  1. ...communicating my thoughts simply and coherently
  2. ...being tactful
  3. ...accepting traditions that seem senseless
  4. ...being patient
  5. ...expressing empathy and concern
  6. ...working out my feelings and sharing them
  7. ...overcoming failures
Who Am I? Authors
Original work by: Sue Blair © Step Research Corporation

02 Cognitive Super Power - Expanded

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This section describes your Superpower; your dominant, "go to" behavior that is so natural, fast, and easy to access, you may not even know you have or are using it.

The “superpower” described here is a distinctive personality quality that comes naturally to the person who has it, whereas it would take others a great deal of concerted effort to access the same sort of skill.  This Cognitive Super Power is a reflection of how their specific personality type can be leveraged when working with others to make a large contribution to the group.  This is based on Jungian dominant function.  It represents the preferred and typically strongest function of the individual at their best.
Super Analyzing

Super Analyzing

Beth’s Superpower

"I know how it fits together."
  • Compelled to help by making certain everything is accurate and logically consistent
  • Does everything in her power to ensure things are properly categorized, sorted, identified and labeled
  • Beth may sometimes be overly critical in an earnest attempt to help and make things better
  • She loves analyzing to uncover the one most perfect solution to a problem
  • Beth typically thinks all problems can and should be solved by logic and reasoning

Good Day

Good Day

System Thinker

Bad Day

Bad Day

Sarcastic Critic


Super Analyzing

Beth understands logic and analyzes or figures out the essential principles. That is what Super Analyzing is all about. Those with this superpower are constantly evaluating, defining, and identifying if something is correct or incorrect based on the sophisticated logical models and complex mental concepts they use.

For Beth it is very frustrating that most other people do not logically analyze or figure out their decisions. She often can't turn off the need to analyze things. Those with Super Analyzing are often dismayed because almost the entire world seems illogical or 'stupid' to them.

Her sophisticated analysis can sometimes result in a fairly biting wit. And when overused this can result in a perfectionist approach and evaluation of both herself and those around her.

It is also this constant mental sharpening that results in amazing progress on any problem that can be analyzed and solved by principles. Beth often thinks all problems can and should be solved by logic and reasoning.

Cognitive Super Power - Expanded Authors
Original work by: Sterling Bates Gene Bellotti © Step Research Corporation

03 Distinctive Qualities

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Based on your results on the Sheffield Assessment, this chapter shows your most distinctive, "stand out" characteristics relative to the attorneys in our database.

We have ranked your scores on each of the 22 traits from the Sheffield Assessment in terms of how distinguishable they are from the scores of the attorneys, representing 24 different practice areas and 6 work settings, in our sample. Based on that ranking, this chapter highlights several traits where your scores could make you “stand out” from the crowd. If you want to see your scores on all 22 traits relative to satisfied attorneys in our world-wide database, you can find them in the chapter Legal Trait Analysis.

The traits below represent the qualities that are likely to make Beth distinct from other attorneys and are ones she may want to focus on to help her make a unique contribution and find satisfying work in the legal field.

As much as we seek to measure everything perfectly, that's not actually possible. Indeed, no matter how good the Sheffield is, it is not able to predict whether you can or will be successful or satisfied in any particular work setting. Therefore, it's still incumbent upon you, as the expert on yourself, to look at the qualities and determine how important the opportunity to exercise them at work is to you.

For qualities you don’t place much weight on, knowing that they are less likely to be represented in a particular setting may not have much of an impact on how eager or interested you are to explore that work setting further. But for those you do care about, knowing how likely it is that these qualities will be well-represented can be useful information in helping you to prioritize which work settings to investigate first. Moreover, when there is a mismatch between the qualities that are important to you and what’s representative in an otherwise appealing setting, this information can help you anticipate the need to “sell” the value of these qualities, as well as to look for other avenues in which you can gain the satisfaction of using them.


Beth is likely to take initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision. Typically proactive and independent, Beth can usually recognize what tasks need to be done, develop a plan for addressing them, and work towards their completion. However, a key to success is being aware of and responsive to the expectations of important others – even or especially if they hold a different perspective. Beth may want to include regular check-ins to ensure that whatever she has decided to focus on is moving things in the right direction.

Development Opportunities:

Beth prefers to drive projects forward and does so comfortably without getting input from others. However, she may need to watch that she doesn't disregard important norms, rules, or procedures that others hold dear, even if Beth may fail to see their merit. Moderation and restraint can be important behaviors for Beth to cultivate. Beth can try stepping back and examining situations more closely and carefully before getting going.


Beth tends to set goals and strive to control her circumstances. Spending time thinking about her future and determining a path to get there is typically second nature for Beth, helping her to achieve her goals. Although having a planful nature can be effective in many circumstances, Beth should be careful not to structure her life so tightly that she cannot respond to changes that will inevitably come. Adopting a more flexible mindset and building in some “wiggle room” to her schedule helps Beth position herself to respond more skillfully to unforeseen issues and be open to or even embrace unexpected opportunities.

Development Opportunities:

Beth’s drive to manage her life and career, set goals, and work her plan usually promises that milestones get realized. Her resolve and determination are admirable but if not managed carefully, can keep Beth stuck; confining her to following the letter of her plan rather than operating out of the spirit of it. Without some attention to this inclination, Beth may find herself unable to take advantage of spontaneous opportunities to learn and grow because they aren’t on the schedule. Beth would do well to occasionally ask herself if her plans and goals are still as appropriate as they were in the beginning. If not, Beth would do well to reflect on what has changed, and what she might have missed by being so single-minded.


Beth shines when able to work in predictable environments, using established methods and known approaches to get things done. This fits well with work areas that are more stable and systematic in nature. Able to follow procedures faithfully, Beth can be counted on to cross all the “t’s” and dot all the “i’s,” ensuring rules and routines are respected and traditions are honored. What’s practical, how things work, or could be applied tends to be favored over what things might, or could, mean. This can sometimes result in Beth being blind to new ideas or lead to missed opportunities for improvements.

Development Opportunities:

Beth may need to balance the tendency to stick with the familiar by making an effort to seek fresh or unique perspectives. Starting a new tradition, in which Beth seeks to learn more about what makes a project or person especially interesting or noteworthy, can act as motivator to keep her going when things feel unpredictable. Being willing to entertain and explore trends or possibilities keeps the lines of communication open, allows a more comprehensive view, and may provide Beth with a heads-up about changes that lie ahead.

Distinctive Qualities Authors
Original work by: Sterling Bates Mark Levin Karl Schmitt © Step Research Corporation

04 Making the Most of Study Time

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Quick tips and advice for studying more effectively

Making the Most of Study Time: Time and Energy Overview

Students can get stressed out over how to manage their study time. While time management approaches do help some students, it can help to suggest that Beth pay attention to managing her energy levels as well. To get into this mindset Beth should try to:
  • Understand her personal time clock and attempt to study when she is most alert and creative.
  • Learn about her stress triggers and explore different activities to see which help to reduce stress.
  • Honor her physical needs while studying by moving, stretching, eating, sleeping, and taking breaks when needed.

Making the Most of Study Time: Maintaining Energy

To remain energized when studying, as an ongoing practice Beth should:
  • Make an extra effort to find a quiet spot on her own, or with one or two fellow students.
  • Write out her ideas, sometimes just having to organize her thoughts in writing can help her to understand the material.
  • Take breaks to be alone to reflect and recharge especially when she has had a lot of interaction time with others.

Making the Most of Study Time: Improving Understanding

To increase her understanding when studying, Beth should:
  • Ask herself what are the interesting themes related to the material, and when stuck, circle back to those patterns to re-focus her efforts.
  • Look for or ask for theories to explain why this material is important in order to help her to better understand it.
  • Draw on her imagination to explore if and how what is being taught corresponds with future trends.
Making the Most of Study Time Authors
Original work by: Elizabeth Hirsh Katherine Hirsh © Step Research Corporation

05 Engagement Styles

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This section describes how you prefer to interact and engage when you are working with others in order to help you realize how you can make the biggest, most significant contributions.

This section shows how an individual predominantly prefers to do their work and engage with others.  This information can help you realize what sorts of groups you will work best in and what sort of role you should try to adopt when working with others in order to make your best contribution possible.  This is built on Jungian psychology and is about how you prefer to engage with the world around you. 

Beth's Engagement Style:

Refine for Perfection
  • Your dominant engagement style describes how you prefer to interact and engage with others, especially when working on a project.
  • Your engagement style can be helpful in identifying how you prefer to interact with teammates and how you make your best contributions.
  • Each engagement style has several key opportunities for making a project successful.
  • When an engagement style is overused, then that style can create threats to a project's success.
Carefully Understand
  • Understand ramifications
  • Making the plan
  • Analysis paralysis
  • Refusal to change plan
Refine for Perfection
  • Tweak to improve
  • Quietly fixing things
  • Never finished updating
  • Lack of decision
Dynamically Explore
  • Energetic discovery
  • Building enthusiasm
  • Unnecessary changes
  • Not completing
Organize and Direct
  • Move others forward
  • Achieving goals
  • Badgering
  • Hasty decisions
Engagement Styles Authors
Original work by: Sterling Bates Gene Bellotti © Step Research Corporation

06 Four Styles of Working as a Lawyer

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This section takes a look at your Thinking, Working, Motivational, and Business Development Styles to highlight your natural abilities, core values, preferred work environments, and how these fit within the practice of law.

This section details a person's natural abilities, core values and preferred work environments, including the cultural factors and management styles that will lead to a good fit.

A list of the natural talents and abilities common to individuals with this person's personality type is listed below; any new job, career, or work setting that they are considering will hopefully leverage many of these natural talents and abilities.

Thinking Style

  • Comfortable in the abstract and concrete: Beth is comfortable working through complex, multidimensional issues as well as simple, more concrete problems.
  • Straight-forward: She prefers to work on matters that follow a straight-forward path or fall within a pre-defined, predictable scope.
  • Habitual, routine: Beth exhibits comfort in following a predictable or routine pattern over seeking new experiences.
  • Logical: Beth defaults to logic and critical thinking when analyzing an issue. She is adept at pattern recognition and reasoning.
  • Optimistic: Beth tends to have a positive outlook towards life and events and she focuses in on the good in people or situations. This disposition is helpful for getting along with others and often leads to general happiness with one's career and life. Caution: Beth must remember to consider what might go wrong (play devil's advocate) when advocating legal issues or working on business transactions to ensure she is properly representing the client fully. Focusing only on the positive outcome will negatively affect one's representation of the client's best interest.
  • Risk averse: Beth tends to prefer conventional or well-established methods that will produce an expected outcome to a matter or transaction as opposed to methods that may potentially lead to failure.
  • Skeptical but not jaded: She tends to be somewhat skeptical, particularly when considering the motives of opposing parties/counsel. This is an important trait for making informed judgments in client situations.

Working Style

  • Can perform with or without direction: Beth is able to get the job done with minimal input but will not resist direction or guidance.
  • Respectful debater: Beth often enjoys the challenge of convincing others but will tolerate others maintaining their point of view. She does not necessarily need to believe in their arguments, but it helps.
  • More sympathetic than empathetic: Beth is capable of intellectually appreciating another person's experience, but is less adept at genuinely connecting with another's experience emotionally. She may not recognize more subtle aspects of communication.
  • Can solve problems in group or alone: Beth is comfortable solving problems in either a group setting or alone, depending upon the situation and availability of others.
  • Collegial: Beth performs well as a teammate but can also step away from the group and continue to perform well on her own.
  • Prefers closure on tasks before changing gears: Beth is capable of multitasking but her preferred work style is one or two important initiatives at a time. Beth can demonstrate urgency, but prefers to work at a steady pace.

Motivational Style

  • Strong facade: Beth is capable of handling criticism or rejection but may question her convictions and experience some feelings of insecurity.
  • Goal-setter: Beth frequently sets goals for planning purposes or for measuring personal or organizational success. For her, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the future, and for motivating herself to turn this vision of the future into reality. Multiple studies have shown that goal-setting has been found to be common among highly successful people.
  • Diligent: She tends to persevere through difficult circumstances in life and career. This is an important trait in the practice of law and especially for working in the large law firm environment.
  • Confident: She is confident in her abilities but occasionally will seek validation from others.
  • Proactive: Beth frequently takes initiative on tasks without requiring instruction or supervision of others. A lawyer with strengths in this area will typically recognize the need to complete a task, develop a plan for completing the task, and begin executing towards completion of the task all on one's own.

Business Development Style

  • Client sympathetic when focused: Beth is capable of recognizing and understanding another's experience but does not always leave them with a genuine sense of having been understood. She can adjust her behavior based on the interpersonal situation, but this tends to require a conscious effort.
  • Can listen well when focused: Although Beth listens to others and may pick up the facts in a conversation, she may miss the subtleties and may be inclined to fill in any gaps with her own assumptions.
  • Poised, commanding: Beth exhibits a sense of ease, poise, and self-assurance. She can "turn it on" to command a room or conversation with a compelling energy and attitude. When used purposefully this can be a highly effective tool for professional interactions.
  • Sociable when needed: Beth is comfortable in social situations and she appreciates the benefit of networking, but both require effort.
Four Styles of Working as a Lawyer Authors
Original work by: Sterling Bates Mark Levin Karl Schmitt © Step Research Corporation

07 Career and Work Satisfaction

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This section uses your personality type to help illustrate the work environments best aligned with your core values.

In this section, you will see how your personality type represents the values you hold and how that coincides with which working environments will fit you best.  Finding a career that aligns with your values and provides a suitable environment for your personality type will lead to a more fulfilling and productive career.

Beth prefers these environmental and cultural attributes at work:

Beth does best at work when the company’s culture aligns with her personal values. Based on her personality type, Beth prefers an environment where:

  • Management allows people to be self-directed
  • The culture appreciates fair but tough decision-making
  • The environment, culture and pace allow you to consider things fully before having to respond
  • The environment allows for freedom and flexibility and is loosely structured without too many rules

Based upon her personality type, Beth should consider these industries and professions:

  • There are several opportunities to demonstrate competence
  • The work allows you to utilize your natural ability to analyze and make objective, logical decisions
  • The work involves theory and speculation
  • The work involves creativity, imagination and a creative approach to problem solving
  • The work involves looking beyond the present i.e., future possibilities, future products, future actions
  • The work is not limited to what exists today but involves "what may be" and "what could be"

Those with Beth's personality prefer careers in which:

  • Management allows people to be self-directed
  • The culture appreciates fair but tough decision-making
  • The work offers the opportunity to rapidly change direction and to respond to problems as they arise
  • The work is fun and allows for some spontaneity
  • You can apply your natural ability to focus and concentrate, rather than multitasking
  • The environment allows for freedom and flexibility and is loosely structured without too many rules
  • The environment, culture and pace allow you to consider things fully before having to respond
  • The work allows you to work at a careful steady pace
  • The work allows you adequate private time to work alone and to concentrate
  • The environment allows for freedom and flexibility and is loosely structured without too many rules

The natural abilities and strengths of Beth's personality type include:

When Beth is able to utilize fully her natural abilities and talents, she performs at a higher level. Her ability to perform well and enjoy her job depends upon the degree to which she is able to leverage and capitalize on her strengths.

Beth has probably already experienced something like this: Her work aligns well with her natural abilities and she is motivated to bring her best to her roles and responsibilities. Her performance seems to flow, progress on projects is smooth, and the outcomes are successful.

The opposite is also true. When Beth is not working on a project or studying a subject not aligned with her natural abilities, her stress level tends to increase and she finds it difficult to face into her obligations. The result is not satisfying or satisfactory. The key is for Beth to be in "alignment" with her work.

Every profession offers a variety of roles and work expectations. This is true even within a specific role. If Beth can direct her career path into industries and roles where she is able to align and develop her natural abilities, she will be more satisfied and successful.

Anyone can work on developing a skill. When a skill is listed below, we are referring to a "preference" toward that skill. The person is likely to enjoy using and developing the skill. When something is listed as a "natural ability", it is refering to the same concept, a preference. It does not automatically mean the person has or will develop it. It does mean that the person will likely prefer and enjoy developing the ability. Which means a likelihood of spending more time developing it.

  • Natural ability to think strategically
  • Natural ability for coordinating, organizing and leading
  • Natural ability to make things more efficient
  • Natural ability to improve systems
  • Natural ability to solve very complex problems
  • Naturally ingenious
  • Natural ability to invent and create
  • Natural ability to study and learn technology and science
  • Natural ability for research and development
  • Natural ability to work independently without supervision
  • Naturally persistent and resolute

Beth's core values likely include:

Her professional environment should align with her core values in order to achieve maximum job satisfaction and career success. The common core values for her personality type include:

  • Demonstrated competence
  • Achievement
  • Creativity
  • Ingenuity
  • Knowledge
  • Constant learning
  • Excellence
  • Perfection
  • Independence
  • New challenges
  • Being calm, emotion free
  • Logic
  • Minimal repetitive work
  • Rewards and recognition are for problem solving in creative and innovative ways
  • The ability to work without much direction is appreciated
Career and Work Satisfaction Authors
Original work by: Michael Robinson © Step Research Corporation

08 Practice Area Detailed Analysis

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This chapter shows how you fit in different practice areas based on your scores from the Sheffield Assessment

To help you assess how you might fit in different practice areas, this chapter shows how your results on the Sheffield Assessment compare to those of our sample of satisfied attorneys working in 24 different practice areas.

The Practice Area Detailed Analysis summarizes your results by comparing you to our sample in two key ways. Highlighted are the three traits where your scores are most similar to our practice area samples and the three traits where your scores are least similar. In addition, the right side of your display takes into account your scores on all 22 traits on the Sheffield Assessment, ranking your potential fit across the practice areas from most to least similar.

Many factors contribute to success and satisfaction in a practice area. Use this ranking of practice areas, and the top three matching and mismatching traits, as a starting point for investigating which practice areas might offer you the best fit for your future career.

Click the list of practice areas on the right to examine each one.

Beth Person

Assessing The Fit

Additional Instructions For Using This

For additional guidance and instructions, please refer to the Polish Activity guidelines above and online for this report chapter.

Practice Area Detailed Analysis:

Please indicate where you think your current knowledge about Personal Injury, your highest ranked practice area, falls on the continuum below.

Limited Knowledge_____________________________Abundant Knowledge

How and from whom did you acquire the knowledge you have about this practice area? Select all that apply and feel free to add additional knowledge sources. You can also record these in your report using the Comment function of the Polish tool.

  • Law school courses
  • On-campus workshops
  • Professional association meetings or seminars
  • Law journals
  • Professional association websites
  • Podcasts, videos, blogs, other social media or internet resources
  • Books, films, television series
  • Internship/work experience
  • Family members and friends working in law or adjacent fields
  • Mentors and other role models working in law or adjacent fields
  • Informational interviews with people working in law or adjacent fields
  • Other

Come back later after having explored two new information sources.

Please indicate where you think your knowledge about Personal Injury, your highest ranked practice area, now falls on the continuum below.

Limited Knowledge_____________________________Abundant Knowledge

Having explored the two new information sources, please indicate where you think your current willingness to work in Personal Injury falls on the continuum below.

Limited Willingness____________________________________Abundant Willingness

If you rated yourself closer to the “limited” end of the scale, that is you discovered you don’t have a great deal of interest in or passion for Personal Injury, complete this activity with another practice area from the list that interests you.

However you rated your willingness to work in your top practice area(s), remember no assessment is perfect and your results are just one tool to help you make a good decision about what the best practice area(s) for you might be.

Practice Area Detailed Analysis Authors
Original work by: Sterling Bates Mark Levin Karl Schmitt © Step Research Corporation

09 Work Setting Detailed Analysis

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This chapter shows how you compare to satisfied attorneys in 6 different work settings based on your scores from the Sheffield Assessment

To help you assess how you might fit in different work settings, this chapter shows you how your results on the Sheffield Assessment compare to those of our sample of satisfied attorneys working in 6 different practice areas.

The Work Setting Detailed Analysis summarizes your results by comparing you to our sample in two key ways. Highlighted are the three traits where your scores are most similar to our work setting samples and the three traits where your scores are least similar. In addition, the right side of your display takes into account your scores on all 22 traits on the Sheffield Assessment, ranking your potential fit across the work settings from most to least similar.

Many factors contribute to success and satisfaction in a work setting. Use this ranking of work settings, and the top three matching and mismatching traits, as a starting point for investigating which setting might offer you the best fit for your future career.

Click the list of practice areas on the right to examine how you compare to satisfied attorneys in each of them.

Work Setting Detailed Analysis Authors
Original work by: Sterling Bates Mark Levin Karl Schmitt © Step Research Corporation

010 How to Talk to Me

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Specific tips on how to better communicate and talk with each person

How to talk to Beth:

Logical & Ingenious

”Let’s change the system”

Motivating Words

  • Develop
  • criticize
  • theorize
  • conceptualize

Beth responds best to communication when you:

  • Present the vision

    Start by telling about the vision and what Beth’s intellectual contribution to advance the vision is or could be. Present options.

  • Focus on competence

    Establish credibility quickly. Be convincing. Recognize theoretical knowledge and competence. Remember that focus on problem solving is important.

  • Describe the big picture

    Talk about concepts and themes and clarify correlations and context. Avoid too many details unless Beth requests this.

  • Focus on the long-term perspective

    Be future-oriented. Talk about the opportunities for strategic progress and improvement of the current structures – especially in the long run.

  • Be open

    Acknowledge proposals about new and different ways of doing things. Try not to reject ideas too fast. Give autonomy. Ask open-ended questions.

  • Debate ideas and analyses

    Present exciting challenges to conquer. View questions and critique as a contribution to a better analysis and a better strategy. Be prepared to argue. Beth appreciates a good debate.

  • Be direct

    Be objective, systematic, logical, analytical and straightforward in your communication. Do not soften your message. Tell it like it is.

  • Acknowledge ideas and accomplishments

    Appreciate Beth’s ability to think outside the box and challenge the existing notions. Acknowledge results and “intellectual mastery”.

How to Talk to Me Authors
Original work by: Mette Babitzkow Boje Tina Brøndum Kristjánsson © Step Research Corporation

011 Visual Type™ and Go-To Behaviors

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This section is a visual model of Carl Jung’s Psychological Types showing how you use all eight behaviors and which two are dominant for you.

This section is a visual model of Carl Jung’s Psychological Types.  While each person uses all eight behaviors at some point, people have two "go to" behaviors they use most frequently in approaching life.  One is dominant and the other is supporting.  One is internal and the other is external.

Visual Type™ provides a visual guide to the predictive use and accessibility of each behavior and an instantly recognizable way to see differences between people.  This helps individuals with self-awareness.  It also helps others understand what they can expect from the individual.  The goal of this section is to make it immediately obvious to non experts how the functions relate to each other and the person based on their whole type.


Decide based on logically correct or incorrect and evaluate the best approach

Beth uses an internal, logic-based decision-making process that focuses on what is correct or incorrect. Beth looks inside before making decisions, using her mind to create order, to organize and categorize information, identify anomalies, deduce probabilities and understand how things work.

This is where Beth likely starts when interacting with the world. The Primary or Dominant behavior.


Look to the new and different ideas and explore many possibilities

Beth uses brainstorming, a verbal questioning to identify patterns that provide insight. Beth looks to Invent as her go-to behavior for gathering information, she prefers seeking answers through brainstorming, identifying patterns and innovation. Beth looks outside the box for answers, seeking something new.

If the primary behavior is not enough then this is where Beth likely goes for answers next

Understanding Beth's Visual Type™

  • Beth's largest go-to box is Analyze, showing her strength of doing fact-based analysis of the problem based on data, not conjecture or opinion.
  • What few people see below the line is how analytical she is when making decisions.
  • Beth's supporting go-to box is Invent: brainstorming new ideas, starting new projects, thinking out of the box and finding creative solutions to problems.
  • Beth's other three top boxes - Stabilize, Insight, and Value - are drafted to support her Analyze function, which she experiences as her Superpower of Super Analyzing.
These boxes represent the eight different introverted and extraverted mental functions defined by Carl Jung that determine your personality type. We refer to them as Go-To boxes.

You use all eight Go-To boxes but we expect that you find certain ones easy and fun and others slow and tough.

Think of the box size as telling you how natural you are likely to find activities related to that mental function. The smaller the box, the more energy it will likely take you to do any related activities. The bigger the box, the more likely you are to get energy from doing related activities.

The largest box is your largest function or Superpower.

The boxes above the line are what other people see - they are extraverted. The boxes below the line are introverted and are below the surface.

If your main go-to box is introverted, your most commonly used mental function is invisible to others. If your main go-to box is extraverted, others cannot see your supporting introverted box.
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    : Look to the present and immediate needs and explore what is currently available

    Now is very adept at identifying details about something that is happening right now and can be acquired through the five senses. People using NOW tend to be very aware and in the moment, seeking tactics that they can implement right now. Now looks to the present and the immediate moment for solutions.

    Engaging to Experience

    Alive in the moment and aware of what the senses are able to immediately experience

    • Exciting
    • Quick acting
    • Risk taking
    • Details
    • Immediate need

    What's Happening Now

    Alive in the moment and aware of what the senses are able to immediately experience

    • Exciting
    • Quick acting
    • Risk taking
    • Details
    • Immediate need
    Now is about immediately engaging the world around us. We do this by perceiving information through any of our five senses. We might even be using multiple senses simultaneously. Remember we are talking about concrete information; otherwise, it would not be information we perceived through one of the senses.

    The Now function triggers an immediate reaction to or an engagement of what is perceived, so it may appear as if one is quickly changing from one activity to another or shifting interest quickly from one thing to another.

    People who prefer to or naturally use Now to acquire information report liking to "live life to the fullest" or "live on the edge". Often the physical risks are exciting. They also report doing things or saying things that get a recognition or a reaction from others in the moment.


    : Look to the past, traditions and what worked and focus on consistency

    Stabilize is abot keeping an internal database of details that have been learned in the past. Stabilize compares today's data with past data to make an informed decision. People using Stabilize tend to check their memory, make comparisons to the past, and in general look to the past to verify information.

    Reliving to Verify

    Recalling the details of past experiences and reliving the motions that accompany them

    • Remembering
    • Tells it from beginning to end
    • Recalls in time sequence
    • Details
    • Nothing is too old

    Resurrecting the Past

    Recalling the details of past experiences and reliving the motions that accompany them

    • Remembering
    • Tells it from beginning to end
    • Recalls in time sequence
    • Details
    • Nothing is too old
    Stabilize is about checking out the present information by comparing it to previous experiences with similar information. We do this by recalling and reliving the past experiences in our lives. These are concrete experiences that include the emotional experiences or reactions we had to the experience being recalled. The recalled experiences are recalled from start to finish and if they are shared everything from start to finish must be shared.

    When active, Stabilize might appear to be slow in responding or unmoved by the present moment. This is because the focus is not on the present event. Instead it is on examining all past similar experiences.

    When people who prefer, or naturally use, this mental function share the experience it is as if they were sharing the video tape that is playing in the brain. They also know that the devil is in the details, so expect them to be uncomfortable leaving out the details when they are talking and wanting you to include the details when you are talking.

    Recognize that the experiences being recalled may have occurred eons ago, yet they are being talked about as if they only occurred yesterday.


    : Look to the new and different ideas and explore many possibilities

    Invent is about brainstorming, a verbal questioning to identify patterns that provide insight. People using Invent tend to prefer seeking answers through brainstorming, identifying patterns and innovation. Invent looks outside the box for answers, seeking something new.

    Recognizing Patterns and Possibilities

    Creating possibilities for the future and spontaneously recognizing patterns and connections

    • Sharing ideas
    • Takes a global perspective
    • Brainstorming
    • Identifies patterns
    • Is not bothered by details

    Envisioning to Improve

    Creating possibilities for the future and spontaneously recognizing patterns and connections

    • Sharing ideas
    • Takes a global perspective
    • Brainstorming
    • Identifies patterns
    • Is not bothered by details
    Invent is about identifying possibilities and opportunities related to what is happening in the real world. It is generating new ideas based on old ones. It is creating new ideas based on what someone else has shared. It expands one idea into many possibilities without the need for precision or detail.

    Invent when active in a positive way tends to view the opportunities and possibilities positively. Information shared through this function may seem to be superficial or broad brush as the details or what is beneath the surface can be filled in later. The expressions tend to be global in nature.


    : Look to how things connect, the future and predict possible outcomes

    Insight is about the process of identifying seemingly disconnected patterns to result in instant insight into a problem or situation. When using Insight people tend to visualize their goal or end result, focus on strategy, synthesize data almost unconsciously and predict results with surprising accuracy. Insight looks to and visualizes the future for answers.

    Discerning the Essence

    Synthesizing information and identifying the central theme, vision, or significance

    • Gaining insight from the unknown
    • Having the “AHA”
    • Connects the unconnected
    • Difficult to explain
    • Processes randomly

    Insight of Holistic Meaning

    Synthesizing information and identifying the central theme, vision, or significance

    • Gaining insight from the unknown
    • Having the “AHA”
    • Connects the unconnected
    • Difficult to explain
    • Processes randomly
    Insight identifies the opportunity or possibility that is the "best" without really knowing how it was identified. It is like a receiver getting signals from an unknown TRUSTED source. It tends not to focus on intermediate steps instead focusing on the end goal. One might connect with Covey's "Start with the end in mind" as an introverted intuiting approach.

    The insights that are received are like nuggets of gold; however, often the person receiving the nugget does not know how to immediately explain it to others so that they perceive it as a nugget of gold as well. This is often because the nugget appeared as a flash of light or insight without supporting information, so when one attempts to explain why the insight should be trusted the mind is blank. Reflection time is almost always needed to allow some bits of information to drift into consciousness to support the value of the insight. Memory is symbolic and images and ideas are ever-changing.


    : Decide based on measurable goals and drive towards objectives

    Execute is about plans, organizing, schedules, and measures. Execute structures the decision-making process by directing and interacting with other people. Execute focuses on measurable goals. When using it, people tend to think out loud, notice quickly when something is out of sequence or order, set objectives and criteria for success, and create step-by-step procedures. Execute looks to influence and organize the world, even when not solicited to do so.

    Planning and Regulating

    Establishing goals and applying objective analysis to arrive at a logical, defendable decision

    • akes a removed or objective perspective
    • Sounds level headed
    • Works from a defendable position
    • Uses external tools
    • Arranges data logically


    Establishing goals and applying objective analysis to arrive at a logical, defendable decision

    • akes a removed or objective perspective
    • Sounds level headed
    • Works from a defendable position
    • Uses external tools
    • Arranges data logically
    Execute uses accepted tools and techniques to evaluate the information much like surveying instruments are used to determine a specific location. This process organizes information in an orderly manner so the information can be analyzed objectively or impersonally.

    With Execute everything is supported with logically analyzed data. Execute analyzes information within specific boundaries. Western states are different from northeastern states. We can think of Execute as establishing boundaries for the problem or boundaries regarding information that will be considered. Execute involves living by specific rules, regulations and laws and believing others should, as well.


    : Decide based on logically correct or incorrect and evaluate the best approach

    Analzye is about using an internal, logic-based decision-making process that focuses on what is correct or incorrect. When using Analyze people tend to look inside before making decisions, using their mind to create order, to organize and categorize information, identify anomalies, deduce probabilities and understand how things work.

    Understanding Systems

    Repeatedly applying system analysis to data to fit them in one’s subjective mental framework

    • Invisible to others
    • Everything is connected
    • Developed with precision
    • Nothing exists unless it is complete
    • Systematic process

    “That’s Better Defined This Way.”

    Repeatedly applying system analysis to data to fit them in one’s subjective mental framework

    • Invisible to others
    • Everything is connected
    • Developed with precision
    • Nothing exists unless it is complete
    • Systematic process
    Analyze evaluates information based on how consistently and precisely the information fits within established internal systems or frameworks.

    These frameworks are built with precision and take a long time to be completed; therefore, they are not going to be quickly discarded in favor of a different framework. Because this is an introverted function the framework or system is not visible to others. Others often do not get a glimpse of the framework until they arrive at a decision that is not consistent with the framework, at which time they get to witness the volcanic explosion.

    One can think of Analyze as an internal filing system. Each file contains sub-files, which contain sub-files, and so-on. Thus, when one is using Analyze, the time it takes to evaluate information may take a substantial amount of time, as the person must check to see if the information fits within one's complex filing system. If there is no place in the filing system for the piece of information to go, it will be rejected until more information is received.


    : Decide based on people's needs and empathize with others

    Consideration is about giving the other person's personal needs high importance in making a decision. Consideration gives priority to the feelings of others. When using Consideration people tend to be friendly and considerate, try to create harmony between other people, act with kindness, and will disconnect with people who do not show that they care. Consideration looks to help others grow.

    Affirming and Validating

    Expressing appropriate concern and appreciation so group harmony is maintained

    • Everyone is at peace
    • Wants everyone to be happy
    • Appreciates others’ involvement
    • Harmony in the moment
    • Connecting with others

    “You Really Did a Great Job”

    Expressing appropriate concern and appreciation so group harmony is maintained

    • Everyone is at peace
    • Wants everyone to be happy
    • Appreciates others’ involvement
    • Harmony in the moment
    • Connecting with others
    Consideration is about tuning in/noticing/reading the mood or the practical needs of others and then addressing or satisfying those needs.

    Consideration is genuinely 'other focused.' It is the mental function used to assess how others will react to certain decisions. It involves knowing the appropriate thing to do and is satisfied when others are content and working together.

    This function evaluates based on the possible impact on others. It strives for peace externally or peace among others and is about making sure others are not disturbed, annoyed or in conflict. Consideration involves conversing and connecting with others, being with others, appreciating others and celebrating with others. It's all about 'others.'


    : Decide based on ethically right or wrong and sync with individual values

    Value is about aligning personal missions with being understanding. Value decides in a way that promotes win-win solutions with the priority on other people's feelings and their own personal ethics and morals. When using Value people tend to make decisions that focus on what is right or wrong according to their own internal values. They then expresses their internal values through external actions.

    Liking or Disliking

    Feeling internal tranquility when reality matches what is uniquely and deeply valued

    • Shielded from others
    • Timeless
    • Peace within
    • Going it alone
    • Often visible only when violated

    “This is the Only Acceptable Way”

    Feeling internal tranquility when reality matches what is uniquely and deeply valued

    • Shielded from others
    • Timeless
    • Peace within
    • Going it alone
    • Often visible only when violated
    Value evaluates information based on one's unique values. It is easy for one to apply these values to identify what is right, but it is difficult for one to explain to others what one is using to determine what is right.

    These values are shielded and protected from attack by others and thus may make us feel alone, vulnerable, or even on the defensive. There is a bit of mystery as to who this person is and there is a sense of tranquility and personal serenity. The values involved change very little, if at all, over time.

    When these values are attacked, the reaction is often as shocking to those triggering the reaction as it is to the one who is reacting. It is as if a sudden, unexpected explosion has occurred that is the opposite of the serene inner harmony that is generally sought. Value strives for peace internally or an internal calmness and sense that everything is right.
Visual Type™ and Go-To Behaviors Authors
Original work by: Sterling Bates Gene Bellotti Robert McAlpine © Step Research Corporation

012 At Work Guidance

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This section gives you tips about how to improve interactions with your colleagues, managers and subordinates at work.

This section provides personalized guidance for ten common “at work” scenarios.  This guidance is written to be helpful for both individuals and their managers or colleagues.  For each scenario, this section provides a personalized advisory narrative.  It also includes topics that will be an “Energizer” and “Stressor” for the individual as well as a scenario-related strength and weakness.  Finally, this section includes a personalized tip for the individual on how to perform best in the scenario.

Why it is important: Many people crave personalized guidance and mentoring at work - and this section provides just that in an automated fashion that is available on demand anytime a need arises.  This guidance will help individuals, and their managers, be more effective at work.

Communication At Work Guidance

Talking to their Manager

Beth typically loves to be able to share in discussion of the theories and models she is using. It also works well for Beth to have her manager identify the theory or model being used as long as it is a logically accurate fit. Beth's pursuit of perfection, using the right models and holding herself to higher standards means that sometimes it is hard for her to provide deadlines for when tasks will be done.

Energizer Evaluating which theory and model best applies to the situation Strength Determining the best theory by which future action will be made
Talking to your manager
Stressor Lack of a solid theory and model being addressed Challenge Providing clear deadlines for tasks
Tip Beth should work to answer those questions that have tighter deadlines

Talking to Colleagues and Staff

Beth is typically great with helping colleagues develop their competence and understanding the theories of why they are doing it the way they are. Her focus on abstract theories sometimes misses the emotional support that certain coworkers need.

Energizer Discussing the theories relevant to a coworker's job Strength Communicating the overall reasons
Talking to Colleagues and Staff
Stressor Colleagues who keep bringing up illogical reasons Challenge Overloading a colleague with theory
Tip Beth should spend less time on theory

Difficult Conversations

For Beth, she will often find a creative logical solution to implement rather than have the argument directly. When the argument does come up, then Beth is likely to focus on logical methods to finding a solution. If she has not found a workaround solution and the issue is left to fester, then sometimes it can result in an explosive argument.

Energizer A common criteria for evaluating success Strength Focusing on the logical ramifications
Difficult Conversations
Stressor Illogical arguments Challenge Holding in problems so long that there is the risk of an explosion
Tip Beth should acknowledge the value of others' emotions

Doing Presentations

Beth is typically very good at taking complex theories and finding ways to display and share them very effectively in her presentations. She typically does her best work on her presentation while alone or with only one or two other experts. If there are too many people involved in building the presentation or lots of emotional issues than Beth is likely to find working on the presentation very taxing.

Energizer Dealing with interesting theoretical topics Strength A presentation that links clearly to logical processes
Doing Presentations
Stressor Having to deal with lots of people to build the presentation Challenge Presentations with a strong emotional appeal
Tip Beth should take time to connect the material to the people

Managing At Work Guidance

Setting Goals

For Beth, it is typically very important that any goals being set fit into the logical situation at her work. Beth likely prefers focusing on goals that directly relate to her and her projects. If either setting the goals or achieving the goals requires a lot of interaction with others and is dependent on their success then Beth will likely be frustrated.

Energizer Goals which require learning and increasing competency Strength Knowing which goals make the most future logical sense
Setting Goals
Stressor Illogical goals with no clear way to determine accuracy Challenge Setting goals that increase interaction with others
Tip Beth should work to set deadlines and increase cooperation for her goals

Team Building

Beth is typically very good at understanding the correct ideal theoretical arrangement for the team. She is very good at understanding the logical order for the team that allows each person to expand their skills and still get the job done effectively. While Beth is typically patient with people as they learn new skills if a team member continues to make the same mistake repeatedly than Beth can become very frustrated.

Energizer Architecting how the team can be its most effective Strength Advising and guiding the team to be more effective
Team Building
Stressor Having team members who are illogical Challenge Having patience for team members who repeat the same mistake
Tip Beth should take more time socializing with team members


Beth is likely to prefer leading by doing her best to help make sure each person is doing their best. She will probably have a focus on leading through a logical and rational approach. Sometimes her preference for logical approaches can leave others feeling disconnected.

Energizer Considering the logical approaches and models used for the mission Strength Making sure that things are logically aligned with the mission
Stressor Too many illogical objectives involved in the mission Challenge Creating an emotional connection with those involved
Tip Beth should take extra time understanding what people involved with the mission need


Beth is likely to prefer delegating by gathering information and then determining what makes the most logical sense before delegating. Beth is probably most comfortable when everyone keeps things at a logical level. Her approach to gather information and confirm accuracy can sometimes not enough attention is paid to dates and deadlines.

Energizer Having space to determine the best process for the delegated tasks Strength Creating logical guidelines for the person being delegated to
Stressor Too much strong emotional response to the delegated tasks Challenge Setting specific deadlines
Tip Beth should take extra time to set final and intermediary deadlines

Growing At Work Guidance

Time Management

Beth is likely to work well with a high degree of independent time to refine the her projects. All her work towards perfection is likely to mean that when suddenly presented with a deadline she can adapt and produce well.

Energizer Having plenty of private time to refine the ideas and projects Strength Taking as much time as needed to refine projects
Time Management
Stressor Being pressured to rush important projects Challenge Laying out clear timelines for when to stop working on projects
Tip Beth should work on defining a few key intermediary deadlines

Getting Feedback

Beth is likely to really appreciate being given feedback that is logical and relates to process at hand. Beth is probably very good and continually refining her thinking as she gets more data. Beth may sometimes fail to give an appropriate reaction to emotional feedback.

Energizer Clear logical reasons for what they need to improve Strength Correcting and making improvements based on logical feedback
Stressor Lots of emotional content in the feedback Challenge Providing emotional support to the person giving feedback
Tip Beth should try to give positive support to the person providing feedback
At Work Guidance Authors
Original work by: Sterling Bates Gene Bellotti © Step Research Corporation